Last winter a terminally ill Star Wars fan was given the opportunity to see The Force Awakens early, before he sadly passed away. And now a similar campaign is aiming to help another fan see the upcoming Rogue One.


In April, illustrator Neil Hanvey was given the earth-shattering news that he only had eight months left to live, meaning there’d be a very real chance he’d never see the spin-off Star Wars story about the mission to steal the plans for the Death Star.

Family, friends and fans of the illustrator’s work really don’t want that to happen, and have even cited some of his work – including this excellent King Tut stormtrooper mash-up – as evidence of his dedication to Star Wars.

They’ve been tweeting and Facebooking up a storm to try to grant Neil’s #RogueOneWish.

Even Mountain Bike manager Paul Davis got on board from the starting line at Rio 2016.

So it’s little wonder that Mark Hamill, AKA Luke Skywalker himself, was more than willing to help out by sharing the message with his 1.2 million Twitter followers.


Let's hope hope he can help make Neil’s dream come true.


Rogue One: A Star Wars story will be released on 16th December
