Matt Smith is “hysterical” in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies says co-star Charles Dance
Former Timelord puts in a cracklingly comic performance as the stuffed shirt cleric Mr Collins

Matt Smith has swapped the Doctor's bow-tie and fez for the regency collar in upcoming movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – and we hear he has gone down a storm.
Co-star Charles Dance – who plays the patriarch Mr Bennet in the movie – says that Smith’s turn as the pompous cleric Mr Collins will have audiences rolling in the aisles.
“Even the most ardent devotees of Jane Austen I don’t think will be offended,” says Dance of the film which is based on the cult parody novel by Seth Grahame-Smith.
“It’s very funny. Gorgeous people like Lily James and Lena Headey from Game of Thrones are in it and Matt Smith who is hysterical, actually, as Mr Collins. He’s so funny, Matt.”
The story stages a mass zombie invasion in the middle of Austen’s tale and Lily James plays a kick-ass Elizabeth Bennet with Suki Waterhouse as her sister Kitty.
Here're the trailer (and we warn you, it is pretty gory as well):
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is in cinemas on Thursday 11th February