Original Wonder Woman Lynda Carter calls out James Cameron for "thuggish jabs" at Patty Jenkins’ movie reboot
After Cameron dished out even more criticism of the Wonder Woman remake, Carter told him to "stop dissing" the movie

Lynda Carter, who famously played Wonder Woman in the 70s TV series, has called out Terminator director James Cameron for his "thuggish jabs" at Patty Jenkins’ movie reboot.
In a Facebook post, Carter called Cameron “a poor soul” who didn’t understand the film and was “ill advised”.

Cameron’s original criticisms of the film – which is on the brink of breaking the record for the highest-grossing superhero movie ever – were published in a Guardian interview in August.
He dismissed Wonder Woman’s glowing reviews as “misguided,” and described the heroine as “an objectified icon.” He also said the film was “a step backwards,” and that his own creation, Sarah Connor of the Terminator franchise, was a better female protagonist.
These comments were rebuked by Patty Jenkins who wrote on Twitter that Cameron’s “inability to understand” Wonder Woman was “unsurprising,” given that he is not a woman. She said that there is no “right and wrong kind of powerful woman”.
Carter’s intervention comes after Cameron doubled down on his comments on Wednesday, telling The Hollywood Reporter that Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is “absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. To me, that's not breaking ground”.

Cameron is currently on the interview circuit to talk about his upcoming Terminator sequel, which brings back Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor, as well as his four upcoming Avatar sequels.