Ricky Gervais poses up a storm in first David Brent film posters
#BrentsBack in these brilliantly cringey adverts for Life on the Road

Brent's back on some brilliantly cringey posters for upcoming film Life on the Road.
There's posing.

There's the usual awkward boasting.


Oh yes, it's just a matter of months until Ricky Gervais brings everyone's favourite boss to the big-screen.
The film will chart Brent's last-ditch attempt at pop stardom. As Gervais himself detailed: "He's still a sales rep, and he's still wasting all his hard-earned money on trying to become a rock star. He works for the Slough-based company 'Lavichem', distributing cleaning products up and down the country.
"But he wants to leave all that behind and get an album deal. He's taken all his holiday leave, cashed in a pension, and put together a group of top session musicians, (Foregone Conclusion, Mark II). Now he's off on a live tour with the aim of getting a record company to sign him."
What could possibly go wrong?
Life on the Road is released 19th August 2016 in the UK