Samuel L Jackson hits back at fan on Twitter who called him out for not taking a photo
"Nowhere in your request was the word please - call me old fashioned... but try it next time"

Samuel L Jackson roasted a fan on Twitter after he was called out for not taking a photo with him – suggesting that he refused because the fan had been impolite.
Twitter user @WHUTUPDOE made the silly mistake of @ing the legendary actor when he tweeted that he had turned down his request for a selfie with a curt "I think not".
Jackson then saw the tweet and waded in to defend himself, accusing @WHUTUPDOE of trying to paint him as an "asshole".
"Nowhere in your request was the word please," he tweeted. "Call me old fashioned... but try it next time. Now, did you tweet to paint me as an asshole or let folks know you’re part of a big ass club now, too?"
Check out the original tweet and Jackson's scathing response below.
After the response came through, @WHUTUPDOE explained he never wanted to paint Jackson in a bad light, and that he had only shared the story because he thought it was funny. As is the nature of the internet, this didn't exonerate him in the eyes of raging SLJ fans, and he has subsequently tweeted about the abuse he has received in its wake.
"I promise y'all I would never try to disrespect @SamuelLJackson. Not even a little bit," he wrote. "I only tweeted about that interaction because I thoroughly enjoyed [it]."
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