"Eriovixia gryffindori!" A newly discovered and “uniquely shaped” species of spider has been named after the Hogwarts Sorting Hat...


Scientists and Harry Potter fans Javed Ahmed, Sumukha JN and Rajashree Khalap first spotted the arachnid in the Western Ghats mountain range in Karnataka, south-west India, and were immediately struck by its resemblance to the hat that decides which Hogwarts House young witches and wizards will belong to during their time at the school.

Both the spider and the Sorting Hat are a conical shape with a distinctive tip that folds over...

Writing in Indian Journal of Arachnology, the researchers explained that the spider, given the Latin name Eriovixia gryffindori, was named after the “fabulous, sentient magical artifact, the sorting hat, owned by the (fictitious) medieval wizard Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" in an “effort to draw attention to the fascinating, but oft overlooked world of invertebrates, and their secret lives.”

Harry Potter author JK Rowling was thrilled by the news...


...the Sorting Hat is yet to make its feelings known.
