Shia LaBeouf is set to play tennis pro John McEnroe on the big screen.


Borg/McEnroe will chart the long-running battle for supremacy in the tennis world in the 1970s and 1980s between McEnroe and Swedish star Bjorn Borg.

LaBeouf is currently in Cannes promoting road movie American Honey, in which he plays Jake. He said of the two projects: "Jake is me and so is McEnroe," according to The Hollywood Reporter.

As for those all important tennis skills, the actor says his backhand is "getting there". He's no doubt got the 'You cannot be serious?!' down pat.


It's understood Swedish actor Sverrir Gudnason (Gentlemen & Gangsters) will play Borg. Stellan Skarsgard (The Avengers, Thor) is set to play Borg’s coach Lennart Bergelin.
