He found a special place in our hearts forever when he told the Balrog “you shall not pass” and now Ian McKellen’s bringing back Lord of The Rings’ Gandalf for a very good cause indeed.


The actor is performing in a one-man show titled Shakespeare, Tolkien, Others & You, which will see him stepping back into the shoes of some rather famous characters as he recalls his work from the last 50 years.

What’s On Stage reports that McKellen will reprise “roles from Gandalf to Macbeth” under the direction of the Park Theatre’s artistic director Jez Bond for nine performances.

So, where does the “& You” come in then? Well, via audience participation apparently.

"I'm performing at Park Theatre to help raise funds for the charity. In a short time the theatre has established itself on both the theatrical and local maps. But with no public subsidy for core costs they need to bring in donations of around £250,000 every year just to keep the doors open”, McKellen said.

"The monies raised from the higher ticket prices for this production will support their core ambition of producing accessible theatre throughout the coming years and furthering their work with the local community. A number of £10 seats will also be available on the day. I do hope you'll support this wonderful cause."


Shakespeare, Tolkien, Others & You will run at the Park Theatre from July 3rd to 9th.
