Someone edited Jar Jar Binks into the Rogue One trailer and it's terrifyingly good
A long time ago, in a galaxy Jar Jar away...

He's been called the destroyer of childhoods, a secret Sith Lord, and everything else under the sun – but a Star Wars fan has finally found justice for Jar Jar Binks, by editing him into the most glorious Rogue One trailer of them all.
Rogue Binks: A Star Wars Story, sees Felicity Jones's Jyn Erso replaced by the goofy Gungan and his pals from a galaxy far, far away.
And my oh my is it a beautiful monstrosity, edited so carefully that you can fully believe it could be a film.
Just LOOK at that kick-ass Ewok.

There are some cracking cameos from friends a little closer to home too, including Chewbacca Mom...

And George Lucas.

Take ALL of our money and make the movie already, Disney.
Rogue One opens in UK cinemas on December 16th