The ink may barely be dry on the deal that paved the way for Disney to bring Star Wars back to the silver screen, but reports suggest that the House of Mouse already has a writer on board as they forge ahead with Episode VII.


Toy Story 3 scribe Michael Arndt looks likely to pen the project before shooting begins in 2014 according to Vulture. Arndt, who won an Oscar for his work on Little Miss Sunshine, has already written a treatment for the film, which suggests that work has been underway on a potential Star Wars sequel long before the multi-billion dollar deal with Lucasfilm was announced last week.

Apparently studio bigwigs are keen to bring back major characters including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo for the sequel. No deals have been announced, but both Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford have already gone on record during the past week to say that they’d be open to the suggestion.


Disney revealed that it has plans for three Star Wars sequels when it announced its $4billion dollar acquisition of Lucasfilm last week, the first of which will hit cinemas in 2015.
