Finnish actor Joonas Suotamo has penned a heartfelt letter to Star Wars fans after it was revealed he’ll be taking over the role of Chewbacca for the upcoming Han Solo spin-off.


The basketball player is no stranger to the wookie, having served as a body double for Peter Mayhew’s beloved character in Episode VII: The Force Awakens and upcoming Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, but the spin-off film marks his first solo venture as Chewbacca.

"I am profoundly grateful for this amazing opportunity to become a part of the Star Wars franchise," he wrote, thanking his friends, family, Disney and "especially Peter Mayhew".

"Peter's development and portrayal of this beloved Wookie has spread so much joy across the globe: he added, praising the original actor for his guidance and kindness.

"I aspire to make Peter proud and bring Star Wars fans the Chewie they know and love."

Laugh it up, new fuzzball. We can imagine this will be one hell of a ride.


The Star Wars Han Solo spin-off is due for release on May 25th 2018
