It's absurd how excited we are about the new Star Wars movie. Like, so excited, we squealed and clapped our hands when we saw the new poster.


It follows the same retro aesthetic as the original movie posters, and what's that in the background?

That's no moon, it's some kind of space station! This is presumably the 'Starkiller Base' which is even more destructive than the Death Stars of A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. According to the official Databank, it's...

An ice planet converted into a stronghold of the First Order and armed with a fiercely destructive new weapon capable of destroying entire star systems.

Forget the planet of Alderaan, this can take out entire star systems! Will there be more details in the trailer dropping tomorrow?

Cheer up John Boyega, it's not long to go now!


Star Wars: The Force Awakens is released 17th December 2015
