Steven Spielberg's three golden statuettes have no doubt paled into insignificance this week after he was awarded the highest accolade UK children's TV can bestow: the Gold Blue Peter Badge. (After all, an Oscar doesn't get you into museums for free, does it?)


The multi-Oscar-winning director and producer appeared delighted as he was presented with the badge by host Lindsey Russell on Thursday evening's show.

“I know all about this. That is indeed an honour. It’s fantastic," said Spielberg. "Didn’t someone else very high up in this country [the Queen] have one? Wow that’s so great. Well I’m going to wear it with pride.

"I’ve been aware of Blue Peter ever since I started making movies here in 1980. I made Raiders of the Lost Ark here in the UK. This is my first Blue Peter badge. And I’ve always secretly, privately wanted one. But now I have one. So thank you.”

Along with the Queen, Spielberg joins such names as JK Rowling and Sir David Attenborough on the prestigious list of badge-holders.

Spielberg was appearing on the programme as part of the promotion for his new movie The BFG, based on the well-loved book by Roald Dahl. Blue Peter has been running its Dream Big competition around the film, asking young viewers to pitch their own fantasy stories. Twelve-year-old winner Betty attended the premiere and got the chance to discuss her winning entry with Spielberg.

Whether he has enquired about optioning the rights to it, we don't yet know...


See Steven Spielberg on Blue Peter at 5pm on Thursday on CBBC
