By Grabthar’s hammer! After looking like engines were down for a while, Amazon’s TV spin-off from classic sci-fi parody Galaxy Quest could be up and running with a new writer soon.


According to the Hollywood Reporter Paul Scheer (known for starring in Veep, 30 Rock and comedy troupe Human Giants as an actor) is set to take the captain’s chair going forward, replacing the original film’s writer Robert Gordon who was initially attached to the reboot (he’ll still exec produce) and reviving the previously dormant project.

It’s currently unclear whether the series will see the original film’s cast, which included Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Sam Rockwell return to their roles, but it is said to continue with the movie’s conceit of actors from a Star Trek-like TV show forced to fly through space for real by aliens who believed their drama was real life.

A trailer for the original Galaxy Quest

And despite great affection for the original 1999 movie, the project has hit a number of snags over the years, most notably the death of lead cast member Alan Rickman in January 2016.

"We were ready to sign up, and Alan Rickman passed away and Tim Allen wasn't available — he ha[d] [Last Man Standing] — and everybody's schedule was all weird. It was going to shoot, like, right now. And how do you fill that void of Alan Rickman? That's a hard void to fill," Rockwell said in April 2016.


And now, Galaxy Quest will also have to contend with the fact that it’s not the only Star Trek parody series in town anymore, with Seth MacFarlane’s The Orville set to begin airing next September. Still, hopefully this change at the top will have the project flying smoothly soon enough.


Huw FullertonCommissioning Editor

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.
