The Hate U Give author explains major book vs movie ending twist
Angie Thomas thought the deviation from the tale was so good that she wanted to write it into her original story

Big screen adaptations often make changes to popular novels and The Hate U Give is no exception.
Angie Thomas' best-selling novel tells the tale of a young black girl, Starr Carter, who must make a tough choice after she witnesses the fatal shooting of her best friend by a police officer.
The story has been fairly faithfully adapted for the cinema screen, but there are two key book characters missing from the movie and one MAJOR twist that's sure to have both fans of the book and the average cinema goer gasping in shock.
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You may want to tread carefully if you've never read the book or not yet seen the film.
Why don't The Hate U Give's DeVante and Nana feature in the film? And how did the shock twist ending, in which Starr's youngest brother, Sekani, wields a gun come about?
We sat down with the author to find out...