The Rock is world's highest paid actor – but Forbes list highlights huge gender pay gap
Jennifer Lawrence and her fellow top five females took home 50% less on average

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is officially the world's highest paid actor but if there's anything the Forbes list he's just topped proves it's that the gender pay gap Jennifer Lawrence so brilliantly wrote about last year is still alive and well in Hollywood.
Johnson earned an estimated £48.8 million to top the list of highest paid actors in the world, but Lawrence – the highest paid actress – earned just £34.4 million. Now that's not a figure to be sniffed at, but it's only about 70% of Johnson's final tally.
And while she's still earning more than other big name stars like Ben Affleck, Leonardo DiCaprio and Vin Diesel, she was one of just four female stars who took home more than £15m in the past year.
Meanwhile the men dominating the upper echelons of their list include Jackie Chan taking £46m, Matt Damon on £41m, Tom Cruise taking £40m and Johnny Depp rounding out the male top five on £36 million. On average, that's a £42.6 million pay packet. Last year's top earner, Robert Downey Jr, dropped to joint eighth on the list with £33 million.
The female top five, in comparison, took an average of just £19.4m, a whopping 50% less than their male peers.
Guess Jen wasn't joking then...