This Star Wars fan theory makes us seriously wonder what the big twist in The Last Jedi will be
A Redditor reckons he has cracked it

It has long been speculated that Star Wars: The Last Jedi will feature a shocking twist, akin to the big reveal in the Empire Strikes Back - *spoiler alert, I guess* - that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father.
Not content to patiently await the surprise when the movie hits UK cinemas in December, an aptly named Redditor TheLastJediBigTwist has taken to the social media website to share their thoughts on what is going to happen, and it has got quite a few people thinking.
Their theory is under the Last Jedi trailer below. Though it may very well be incorrect, if you'd rather wait to find out for yourself and keep speculation at bay until the film comes out, then maybe look away now. Or, you know, after watching the amazing trailer again.
After soliloquising about "the greatest twist in cinema history so far" in Empire Strikes Back, TheLastJediBigTwist suggested that Snoke is not the big bad in the new trilogy, that he is merely a puppet being controlled by a much scarier force. The force in question? Luke Skywalker.
Yep, this Redditor's theory is that Luke Skywalker has turned to the dark side.
Their reasoning? Snoke is another word for a herring, suggesting that the villain is a red herring, or a distraction from the reality of the situation. They point to the fact that since Luke has disappeared, the sinister forces of the First Order have risen up - suggesting that he is the one behind it.
But, more than anything, it seems like TheLastJediBigTwist feels that this would bring the series full circle, turning the plot on its head in the same way that the Empire Strikes Back did for the original trilogy. Is it wishful thinking? Perhaps. But intriguing nonetheless.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be released 15th December 2017