
Um, so this is slightly embarrassing... it looks like we, JK Rowling and quite a few other people got excited a little bit too early and it is in fact next year that Albus will be off to Hogwarts. We're blaming the Cursed Child...


Nevertheless, it is still #BacktoHogwarts day, as 1st September is the date each year when young witches and wizards board the train at Kings Cross platform 9 3/4 and head back to school. So, still cause for excitement and the tweets from Potter fans below remain valid...


You know the '19 years later' bit at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2? Well, today is that day. *no, it's not*

Oh yes Muggles, we've skipped right through to Albus Severus Potter's very first day at school. *no, we haven't*

It means that at precisely 11am today young Albus will be on the Hogwarts Express whizzing his way to the most magical of castles. *again, no, not true*

If you're at King's Cross, the Potter, Granger-Weasley and Malfoy families are there too. Albus Severus starts school today. #19YearsLater

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 1, 2016

Ginny's got her hair all blown out, Harry's got his dad beard, Ron's rocking a cardigan, while Hermione looks like she's just walked out of a Burberry campaign. *this description will be completely accurate in a year's time*

We know Albus was a bit nervous, but we also know Pappa Potter (aka Harry) was there to help him out with those back to school nerves. *the following video will be relevant then too*

Meanwhile, Potter fans are really rather wishing today was their time to go to Hogwarts. *ok, from here on in we're good*

After all, it'd be far more exciting.

expectation vs reality #BackToHogwarts pic.twitter.com/HGC7gieUjv

— blaise (@kiiyomi) September 1, 2016

Everyone knows punctuality is key here

And we are all fully aware there's no need to be alarmed by some of the instructions


Basically, it's a day to feel like this
