Tom Hiddleston wants Loki to take on Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange
The Marvel actor says he's keen to see who'd get the "upper hand" but jokes they'd probably just end up comparing bright leather costumes

Tom Hiddleston wants his bad boy character Loki to face off against Benedict Cumberbatch's Marvel newbie Doctor Strange.
"In some hypothetical world, I don't quite know when, for Loki and Dr. Strange to share the same frame would be very exciting indeed," Hiddleston said. "Because Benedict Cumberbatch is an old friend so I would think it would be interesting to see who would get the upper hand," Hiddleston told New York Daily News.
Hiddleston should probably get a free first swipe at him or something simply for thinking up the idea.
Then again, he's not convinced they would do much more than stand around talking about their bizarre get-ups, especially, he added, if his pal Charlie Cox – aka Daredevil - was also there.
"We would probably just be comparing costumes! That's what happens on set, is just everyone starts laughing at each other because the costumes are so extreme. You're standing there with the crew, everyone holding styrofoam cups of coffee and everyone is wearing very brightly coloured leather, that’s highly entertaining."
As for Loki himself, who we'll see in next year's Thor: Ragnarok, Hiddles is keeping information of his character's future under his hat.
"Truthfully, I do actually know at the moment how many more times I'm going to play Loki, but I'm not going to tell you," he told the publication. "It's not personal. It's just keeping it fresh for all paying customers to enjoy their films.
“And also I’m the God of mischief so it’s my predisposition to play games," he teased.