Fun fact: Tom Holland is terrible at keeping Marvel secrets. Last year the Spider-man star accidentally leaked that Homecoming was the first part of a planned trilogy, Benedict Cumberbatch has had to cut off his interview questions for fear of spoilers and, to stop secrets getting out, Marvel won't even let Holland read the full Infinity War script (that didn’t stop him forgetting to hand in a heavily-redacted copy, though).


And it’s lucky that Holland apparently knows next to nothing about the upcoming Marvel flick because the actor recently revealed he found himself on a train with fans who were debating Infinity War.

And some fans thought Marvel execs would be holding their breath hoping that Holland didn't let loose another spoiler...

Sorry guys, we think they recognised him...

But so far, so good – no major spoilers appear to have leaked since that train journey. And since Infinity Wars comes out 27th April next year, there are only five months for Holland to do any more damage. That's hardly any time at all...


The Avengers: Infinity War is released in cinemas April 27th 2018
