Here’s a question worthy of Marvel’s all-knowing Watchers: how does actor Zoe Saldana transform into the Guardians of the Galaxy’s kick-ass alien Gamora?


Answer: it takes a lot of time in makeup to create the deadliest and greenest comic book character this side of The Hulk. In fact, according to a mesmerising time-lapse video recently tweeted by Saldana, she has to spend three hours in the chair to Gamora-up.

Her makeover might seem like a lengthy one, but Jennifer Lawrence’s prosthetics and full-body makeup for mutant Mystique in the X-Men films could take between eight and 10 hours a time. And Guardians of the Galaxy co-star Karen Gillian had to shave her head to play the meddling Nebula.

But that’s to take nothing away from Saldana; it’s certainly not easy being green.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is in UK cinemas now
