As masks become mandatory in the cinema you may be wondering what one to buy.


We'll all need that extra protection when heading outside - or inside into the unknown.

The best bet is to wear a mask that covers your face and nose to reduce the chance of COVID-19 transmitting. That doesn't mean you have to look silly while doing it though does it?

There are quite a lot of options, but we (obviously) prefer the film and TV offerings from Doctor Who to Star Wars, Disney to your own designs.

We've put together our top picks - for the UK here - so you can head back to the cinema, shops or wherever you want.

Just remember most of these masks aren't medical they're more for outside. The advice is to get a close-fitting or medical grade mask to slow the spread of the virus. Masks became mandatory in the UK in July in shops and supermarkets this was extended to takeaways, coffee shops, train stations, airports, banks, and post offices in England.

Gyms, cinemas, pubs, dine-in restaurants and hairdressers were exempt too, as were theatres and concert halls but now the latest rules have changed. From next week the wearing of face masks will become mandatory in cinemas, museums, and places of worship. It sounds like it's time to get one if you haven't already...

We've gone for the obvious Bane or Hannibal masks, but there are a few surprises in here too. You can also design your own face mask and if you have glasses avoid getting fogged up lens with a wire based face mask. We've added a few non-film and TV masks too to help you get a feel for what's the best face mask to buy too.

Disney face masks

2-star-wars has Disney masks available to pre-order from Baby Yoda cuteness to R2D2, Mickey, and Minnie to Toy Story.

Buy face masks

RoboCop Face Mask

For £10.49 you can get RoboCop's mouth on your's...well his helmet does sort of lend itself to this idea, doesn't it? Everything does feel very future Detroit.

Buy RoboCop face mask on etsy

Hannibal style face mask


Ok, you knew this was going to happen. Hannibal is king of the face mask. Perhaps he knew it reduced infection rates. He did also realise it got in the way of a good meal.

Buy Psychiatric Face Mask at

Sister Act face mask

Sister act face mask

Buy Sister Act face mask for

Bane face mask

Bane face mask

Buy Bane face mask from for £11.49

Doctor Who Face mask


There are a few options for Doctor Who fans, though we like these Dalek designed face masks for £6.41.

Buy Doctor Who mask for £6.41

Twin Peaks face mask

twin peaks

The Red Room face mask could be the one for you. It seems oddly fitting for the situation we're in.

Buy Twin Peaks face mask for £11.99

Nightmare Before Christmas Face Mask

Nightmare Before Christmas face mask
Nightmare Before Christmas face mask Etsy

Buy Nightmare Before Christmas face mask for £6.42

Coronation Street Face Masks

Coronation Street Face Masks
Coronation Street Face Masks etsy

Take your pick! Each iconic Corrie moment has been made into a pop art style mask in by this seller from Vera to Deidre behind bars #freedeidre

Buy Corrie face masks for £14

Pokemon Face Mask

Eevee face mask
Eevee face mask Etsy

Gotta catch em! This Eevee face mask has three layers is adjustable and comes in ivory or lavender.

Buy Pokemon Face Mask

What face mask to buy?

There are quite a few types of masks, from the popular Adidas face mask to the more expensive Edeline Lee.

If you're looking for a mask for indoors you most likely want a filter. Casetify has a selection of masks with filters. They're cotton, come in four colours and are made of five layers of fabric. You can buy up to 10 at a time. Every purchase also includes the cost of donating a medical-grade mask (or several) to frontline health workers.

Just Hype has the knit face mask for £11.99. These are made from a mix of polyester and Diolen Hygienic Poly. Diolen is known for its protective properties against bacteria and allergens.

If you're looking for something that's clear, there's the leaf mask for £38. FDA-registered, silicone rubber mask has raised more than £3m on Indiegogo for its clear version.

If you wear glasses then you may be better opting for a wire and adjustable face mask, there are some available on etsy.


Now you're set, take a break and see what's on with our TV Guide or if you're heading to the cinema here's what UK movie releases are on the way.


Jo-Anne RowneyAudience Growth and Engagement Manager,