It looks like the set of Star Wars: Episode VII may have a serious Bothan spy problem. Following on from last week's apparent leak of new Stormtrooper helmet designs, another web site claims to have information on who exactly the villains of the new film will be – including a rather familiar dark lord.


Warning: What follows are potential spoilers for Star Wars: Episode VII.

Yep, if rumours are correct, then it would seem that Darth Vader is set to feature in Star Wars: Episode VII in the form of a flashback.

According to Latino Review, it will centre around the Inquisitors – defenders of the Sith (previously in the service of Vader) and the main antagonists of Episode VII. If the name sounds familiar, then that's because they will also appear in the forthcoming Star Wars: Rebels TV show, as seen below.

It has been reported by another site, Badass Digest, that the group of Inquisitors will be led by an android, whose hand we may have got a glimpse of last week when the winner of the Force for Change competition was revealed.

According to the site, the big bad Inquisitor "wears a black robe. His eyes are deep red. And half of his face is metal. He’s a cyborg. That was his hand in the picture JJ Abrams shared with the note about A Force For Change.”


Of course, its important to remember that all of these rumours are just that: rumours. The farce could still be strong with them…
