JK Rowling joins full cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child for the first time
J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany's play will open this year in London's West End

The full cast list for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been revealed — and it's quite a lengthy roll call, with 42 actors including Noma Dumezweni as Hermione, Jamie Parker as Harry and Paul Thornley as Ron.
The stage production, which follows Harry's son Albus Severus, will debut in the West End later this year.
The image below shows the cast posing with the play's writers JK Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, just before the first read-through of the script.
True to the spirit of Hogwarts, the picture is rather like a school photo, with a list of names going row by row.
10 points to whoever can spot Rowling first!

Row 4 Back Row (left to right)Tom Milligan, Tom Mackley, Jamie Harrison, Katrina Lindsay, Neil Austin, Steven Hoggett, Christine Jones, Gareth Fry, Jeremy Chernick, Martin Lowe, Julia Horan, Cherrelle Skeete.
Row 3 (left to right) Nuno Silva, Jack North, Rosemary Annabella, James Le Lacheur, Sandy McDade, Jack Bennett, Helena Lymbery, Paul Bentall, Esther Smith, Chris Jarman, Annabel Baldwin, Martin Johnston, Claudia Grant, James Howard, Adam McNamara, Morag Cross.
Row 2 (left to right) Andrew McDonald, Stuart Ramsay, Alex Price, Neil Blair, Colin Callender, Sonia Friedman, John Tiffany, J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, Jamie Parker (Harry), Noma Dumezweni (Hermione), Paul Thornley (Ron), Poppy Miller, Barry McCarthy.
Row 1 Front Row (left to right) Nicola Alexis, Joshua Wyatt, Chipo Kureya, Anthony Boyle, Rudi Goodman, Zoe Brough, Bili Keogh, Cristina Fray, Nathaniel Smith, Christiana Hutchings, Dylan Standen, Sam Clemmett, Helen Aluko, Jeremy Ang Jones.