Indiana Jones won’t die in the next film. That’s according to director Steven Spielberg.


It’s the only plot detail he’ll give away about the upcoming sequel, but it’s good to know after what happened in Star Wars. But we won’t talk about that.

"The one thing I will tell you is I'm not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it,” the director told the Hollywood Reporter, adding that he’s "super excited" about returning to the franchise, with this next instalment slated for July 2019.

"I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans,” he said. So we can expect some action, some romance and no doubt some snakes.

We do know that the film will follow on from the antics of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, rather than veering off as any sort of spin-off. And it makes sense that Indy isn’t going anywhere. Producer Frank Marshall has already hinted that further sequels could happen, with the caveat that it “depends on the story”.

Disney first acquired the rights to the Indiana Jones franchise when it purchased LucasFilm in 2013 in a multi-billion dollar deal, prompting rumours that a fifth film was in the works alongside the studio's Star Wars: Episode VII – a film which of course went on to top box offices around the world.


In the meantime, Spielberg has his remake of Roald Dahl's The BFG hitting cinemas on July 22nd. Check out a trailer here.
