This live blog is now over – read on below for how it unfolded...


03:45 PS Can whoever goes to bed last please remember to put that candle out...

03:42 Anyway, the birds are chirping up a storm outside so it just remains for me to say thanks very much for joining me, it's been fun (well, for me at least). The UK may be leaving Europe, but it's nice to know that around the world we're all still united in our love of Westoros...

03:38 I thought of another point. It was a good one too but I've totally forgotten it. Annoying. It's late though, and we've all had a few drinks, right...?

You'll just have to make do with this instead...

03:21 Phew! Ok, so initial thoughts:

- basically most of what we thought might happen happened: Cersei blew up the High Sparrow with Wildfire, Tommen jumped out of a window Denholm Reynholm style (see gif below for details), Jon Snow is King in the North, Bran took us back to the Tower of Joy to see Lyanna giving birth to a brooding baby that just has to be Jon, Davos confronted Melisandre about Shireen (Mel is now banished), Arya has totally mastered the face-swap thing and got her revenge on Walder Frey, Dany has her ships (having joined forces with the Greyjoys) and is on her way to Westeros

- there was no Hound!

- Despite the wildfire plot coming true, I'm not sure I expected Cersei to be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of it

- there's been no sign yet of the Dothraki getting seasick

- where was the Hound?

- Sam really loves books. Like, maybe more than he loves Gilly and Little Sam...

- there was no sign of the White Walkers either. I guess they are saving them for season seven which will be based on George RR Martin's appropriately title next book The Winds of Winter (IF - and it's a big IF - he can get it finished before they actually start shooting). Makes me look dumb for using a picture of a White Walker at the top of the blog though. At least it's not a spoiler...

- they actually found a baby that does brooding as well as Kit Harington

- what was the point of Kinvara, the new Red Priestess of Meereen? Turned up, messed with Varys's head. Never seen again. Maybe he had her killed

- there was no Hound!

03:14 Ooh, nice dragon ships!

03:13 So this totally happened...

03:12 Well Jon, you've got Captain Darling on your side...

03:09 Or that a little girl could be so kick-ass!

03:08 Whoever thought a baby could be so brooding...

03:06 I'm sorry, but that kid is never growing up to be Sean Bean...

03:03 Where's the Hound? We want the Hound!

03:02 So - in case anyone was in any doubt - Littlefinger admits he is after the Iron Throne... But he wants Sansa to have a little Iron Throne of her own next to it. Sweet.

03:01 Um, so maybe baking is not one of Arya's strong points. Killing though, that she's got a real talent for...

After going all Sweeney Todd on Walder's sons, she feeds them to him before doing to Walder exactly he did to her mum.

03:00 BOOM!

02:59 Back at Walder Frey's place. That's got to be Arya, right?!

02:58 I know we have a few minutes more than usual this week but it still feels as if we need quite a lot more to happen yet to make this a satisfying finale...

02:55 So Daario gets dumped and Dany has had some jewellery specially made for Tyrion. Ouch.

02:49 Daario be like...

02:43 FINALLY! "Winter is here," says Sansa. That has to be the longest promo for a new season ever...

Now if George RR could just hurry up and actually finish the book...

02:41 "Ride south?!" Send her north, let the White Walkers have her!

02:39 "I loved that little girl like she was my own" Davos tells Melisandre. Genuinely touching stuff - now rip her head off!

02:38 Like, totally...

I want someone to look at me the way Sam looks at books...#GameofThrones

— Salim Stark (@SalimAlSamar) June 27, 2016

02:38 He's found the book version of The Matrix...

02:36 I know Sam loves reading but that's a long way to come just to borrow a library book...

02:32 The IT Crowd called it...

Bye Tommen...

02:29 Hmmm... Not really what we were expecting from Cleganbowl...

02:27 If you're gonna be waterboarded, I guess... better with wine...?

02:23 Oh, class - here in the UK we just had an ad featuring The Prodigy's Firestarter - now that's what I call selling ad space...!

02:20 This guy thinks he's got problems...

My Reese's Cups are almost gone and #GameOfThrones isn't even halfway done

— Caitlyn (@caitlynwinn) June 27, 2016

02:20 Yup

Cersei comin' for ya like #GameofThrones

— Rexlor Graymond (@HelloR3XY) June 27, 2016

02:19 Sheeeettt....

Well that's one less Septum to worry about...

02:18 Ok, the first glimpse of Wildfire, which we suspect is about to do THIS

02:17 This is like Chucky VI

02:15 Well that's one less chain-rattling, sex-crazed meister to worry about

02:14 The Baker Street Irregulars have got a bit edgy...

02:11 Poor Loris. Another job for the Tattoo Fixers...

02:08 Could this be the quietest start to a Game of Thrones episode ever...? You could hear a pin drop. Or a castle explode...

02:07 No way Cersei is letting her trial go ahead - get ready for things to get hot... and wild...

No, not like that (your filthy minds, honestly...)

02:04 For whom the bell tolls...

02:03 Never gets old...

02:00 Ok, here we go...! All together now "Meow-meow, meow-meow-meow-meow..."

02:00 This seems to be a popular thought. Will we see Gendry tonight? Will he still be rowing...? Will his arms be HUGE?!

GOT finale prediction: tonight we finally see Gendry again and he's still rowing. #GameofThrones

— shanepowers (@shanepowers) June 27, 2016


Just these ads to get through...

01:50 Right, excuse me for one last 'comfort break' before we kick off (I think it's the nerves...)

01:49 People (who don't really watch it) always say Game of Thrones is full of sex. It would be nice if, along with all the killing we're bound to see tonight, there was a bit of love too.

Ideally Brimund and Danyara (I don't know if that's actually what we're calling it but I think it has a ring to it...)

01:45 Holy crap, GOT minus 15 minutes and counting...

01:42 In case you're interested, this is the next beer in this beverage-fuelled blog. A Gueze, from Belgium I believe. Not to everyone's taste, quite sour and with something of a wet dishcloth about the aroma, but I love it...

01:34 Presumably we are going to see some White Walkers tonight. But will we get a Homehard-sized chunk of them or will it just be the final frames as they find a way through the Wall...?

The latter, I suspect...

01:29 Here's another question: Do the Dothraki get seasick...?

If we do actually get to the stage this episode where Dany is taking her slightly singed new fleet across the water to King's Landing I can't help picturing the Bloodriders puking their guts up over the side...

01:27 How many of these will be getting out of season 6 alive...?

01:24 Quite.

01:12 Basically though, Sansa should get the gig just for this...

Ramsay got owned by Sansa.... #GameOfThrones

— Game of Thrones Gifs (@GifsOfThrones) June 22, 2016

01:02 Ok, another question: Will someone, anyone, be crowned King/Queen in the North, Warden of the North and/or Lord/Lady of Winterfell? (If anyone gets all those titles Daenerys is likely to get a little bit jealous...)

One one hand, Jon Snow led the Starks, Wildlings and assorted northerners to victory (well, if you don't count that letter Sansa wrote that sort of kind of saved everyone from dying). On the other hand, he's a bastard so not officially in line for anything.

One one hand, Sansa is a Stark and a really good letter-writer. On the other, she's a woman and some people still can't get their heads around one of those being in charge - although others are happy with a little girl, so different strokes...

00:59 Ok, so what other questions do we find ourselves asking ahead of tonight's episode? Let's see...

How about, will Davos go after Melisandre?

On his pre-battle evening stroll Davos came across the charred wooden stag he had made for Princess Shireen...

It was next to a pyre. No-one's seen or heard from Shireen for some time. Her dad used to hang out with a witch who thought burning people was the only real way to get anything done around here. Davos made the connection.

I'd love to see him really go for Melisandre but while I think he will confront her, I'm not convinced he's going to dole out any real punishment. We can hope though...

00:51 Tonight's episode is called The Winds of Winter, by the way, which is the name of the book George RR Martin is currently writing and is expected to deliver sometime in the next 10-15 years...

00:47 Somebody's going to have to work hard to be ready for 2am...

Season One done! #GameofThrones #bringonthedragons

— Kimm Z (@positivelykimm) June 26, 2016

00:44 By the way, tonight's blog will be powered by a variety of chilled bevarages, starting with this one, a rather nice pale ale called Fire Rock. This is honestly a complete coincidence but I suspect this could be the new name for King's Landing when Cersei gets through with it...

00:42 Oh, and if that wasn't enough to convince us, there was Tyrion's sudden levering of Wildfire into the middle of a conversation with Dany, even though she'd just turned up on a dragon (again), Meereen was under siege and Tyrion had just been caught getting the staff drunk...

Respect to Benioff and Weiss if this all turns out to be misdirection...

00:38 We know the Mad King had a cache of Wildfire hidden under King's Landing, which the Kingslayer stopped him from using to burn the castle and everyone in it to ashes. We know, too, that Tyrion used some of it to smoke Stannis's ships in the Battle of Blackwater.

But we also suspect that the "rumour" Cersei was asking her right-hand man Qyburn about a couple of episodes ago is that there is more - "much more" as he put it - still there. She has dropped some heavy hints about burning things to the ground for the sake of her children throughout the series and we've also seen Bran's vision, which repeatedly shows us the image, below, of green fire careering down a corridor.

00:28 For instance...

Is Cersei going to unleash green death on King's Landing in the form of a hidden cache of Wildfire...?

Beautiful but deadly, right? Much like the Lannister matriarch herself...

00:24 That makes a lot of sense given everything we have to get through tonight. There are, after all, a lot of questions to be answered – or, of course, ignored until halfway through next season....

00:21 Ok, well here's a fun fact to cheer you up: tonight's is the longest ever episode of Game of Thrones, with a stonking 69 minute running time ("69, dude!").

00:18 So, how is everyone feeling about the Game of Thrones finale? Psyched?!

When you know today it last episode of the season for @GameOfThrones #gameofthones

— Tyler (@Tlope19) June 26, 2016

the #gameofthones finale is today and im very sad and scared and sad and scared and sad and scared and sad and scared and sad and scared and

— l u k a s (@lukasthekhal) June 26, 2016

When you realize today was last episode of #GameofThrones ??? i should cry

— HamaRasul (@H4maRasul) June 26, 2016


00:08 Actually, I was originally going to blog as No-One (rather than the near nobody that I actually am) but I quickly realised this didn't work given that I also want to be able to drink refreshing beverages (essential for live blogging) out of my GOT mug...

23:54 On one hand, Huw being away is good news for me - out of nowhere I get the big finale gig! On the other hand, I have a lot to live up to so if it all seems a bit haphazard, just remember the words of Littlefinger...

"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder."

23:52 Evening all and welcome to the final Game of Thrones live blog of the season. I know you’ll all miss the blog even more than the show itself but we’ve tried live-blogging it when it’s not on and, sadly, it just doesn’t work…

Loyal readers will be used to being in the capable hands of my colleague Huw but he’s off on holiday, like, just before the Game of Thrones finale?!


I know - some people need to get their priorities right…

Jon Snow taking some well-earned R & R after last week's battle #GameofThrones #noIdontmindmissinganepisodeshutup

— Huw Fullerton (@HuwieMcChewie) June 26, 2016
