Now with the Queen’s birthday 90th out of the way, we can concentrate on the real landmark of 2016: the 10-year anniversary of when Torchwood’s Gwen Cooper first saw a Weevil rip a hospital porter’s throat out. Ah, the nostalgia.


So, to celebrate a decade of the Doctor Who spin-off, "a host of familiar faces" are reuniting in a new Torchwood audio play adventure.

Yes, although Big Finish have been releasing a series of Torchwood audio plays since last year, no story has been as ambitious in scale. And believe us when we say that.

The plot: The Torchwood Archive, based on an asteroid, is visited for the first in centuries by a character by the name of Jeremiah. He's come to learn something very important. And the ghosts of Torchwood (including Queen Victoria) are waiting for him.

It sounds suitably spooky and strange – as writer and producer James Goss said: “It's an unusual release - part anthology, part giddy epic, and mostly just a shameless excuse to hopefully make the fans ridiculously happy."

Indeed. But you know what will make fans happier? Torchwood returning to TV. And the claims from John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness) that talks are underway with the BBC to that end is a very good sign indeed.


Watch this space.
