What time is Tutankhamun on tonight?
The Egyptian boy-king drama starring Max Irons and Sam Neill begins on ITV on Sunday 16th October
9pm – 10:05pm, ITV
How many parts are there in the series?
There are only four episodes to this series. It's a small run, but we've got our fingers crossed for a quartet of action-packed episodes.
Who’s the guy with the moustache?
That’s Max Irons. He plays Howard Carter, the man who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb. And he had a nightmare with that facial hair, by the way (check out the full interview here).
Who else is in the cast?
Sam Neill (Alan from Jurassic Park) plays the eccentric Earl of Carnarvon, the financial backer of the dig, alongside Amy Wren, his daughter. See details of the full cast here.
So Tutankhamun doesn’t actually appear in the show?
Not alive, anyway. It’s all about the drama, romance and politics surrounding the expedition that first unearthed the mummified remains of the Egyptian boy king. However, if you want to find out more info about King Tut then check out our guide.