Doctor Who is the one programme Theresa May always watches at Christmas
As well as some Agatha Christie

If you’re looking forward to watching the Doctor Who Christmas special this 25th December, then you have some slightly surprising company – UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who apparently manages to find time for the BBC sci-fi series among Cabinet meetings, security briefings and, you know, running the country in general.
“I always like to see Doctor Who on Christmas night, if possible,” she tells the double Christmas edition of Radio Times (on sale now), adding that she also favours “a nice Agatha Christie to curl up with. David Suchet was a great Poirot – he got him to a T.”
Sounds like she’ll be pretty happy with both The Return of Doctor Mysterio and The Witness for the Prosecution this festive season, then – finally, the BBC might be getting on the right side of the Government.
In the interview the Prime Minister also admits a fondness for Scandi dramas like Borgen and The Bridge and is quick to rebut suggestions that her viewing habits are at all suggested by any sort of PR team.
“My advisors don’t tell me what to watch on the television,” she says. “I watch what I want to watch.”
And who’d have thought that’d include the adventures of a time-travelling alien, eh?
For the full Theresa May interview, along with a host of other festive treats, check out the legendary Radio Times double Christmas issue this week.

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.