We’ll start with the good news: remember March of the Penguins? That 2005 arctic documentary that left you insisting there was something in your eye at the end? Well, its sequel, March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step, is about to be released.


That means more beautiful narration by Morgan Freeman and more of the impeccably shot story of the emperor penguins' 100km trek through one of the coldest environments on the planet: Antarctica.

And while the film will cover a lot of the same icy ground we saw in the original Oscar-winning documentary, March of the Penguin 2 promises more detail and new breathtaking underwater sequences. You can also expect similar tear-jerking moments, as some of the animals fail to survive in the way-below-zero temperatures.

So, the bad news? It’s being released March 23 on Hulu, an American streaming service not currently available in the UK.

However, this doesn’t mean March of The Penguins 2 will never reach our screens: The Handmaiden’s Tale, another Hulu production made its way to Channel 4 last year.


Just like the newborn penguin chicks, we just have to be patient. Hopefully the film will make the long trek across the ocean to a UK broadcaster.
