Steven Soderbergh has lined up a cast of all-time greats for his latest film, which is set to hit Netflix in 2019.


Meryl Streep will lead drama The Laundromat as Ellen Martin, a woman who uncovers a conspiracy while investigating a fake insurance policy.

film is based on Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Jake Burnstein's non-fiction book Secrecy World, charting the journey to the publication of the Panama Papers in 2016, which revealed that thousands of wealthy people across the globe were utilising offshore tax havens.

Joining her in the film are fellow Oscar-winner Gary Oldman and Screen legend Antonio Banderas.

When is The Laundromat released on Netflix?

The film will arrive on Netflix on Wednesday 18th October 2019.

Is there a trailer?

Yes! It introduces us to Jürgen Mossack and Ramón Fonseca, real-life Panama City law firm founders played by Banderas and Oldman, who are thoroughly enjoying their gluttonous wealth, only for Streep to arrive and spoil the party. Check it out below.

Who is in the cast?

Streep, Oldman and Banderas are the top names on the billing.

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They are joined by Sharon Stone, David Schwimmer, Alex Pettyfer, Jeffrey Wright and James Cromwell. Not bad, huh?

What is The Laundromat about?

Here's the official synopsis: "Ellen Martin (Streep) begins investigating a fake insurance policy, only to find herself down a rabbit hole of questionable dealings that can be linked to a Panama City law firm and its vested interest in helping the world's wealthiest citizens amass even larger fortunes.


"The charming — and very well-dressed — founding partners Jürgen Mossack (Oldman) and Ramón Fonseca (Banderas) are experts in the seductive ways shell companies and offshore accounts help the rich and powerful prosper. They are about to show us that Ellen's predicament only hints at the tax evasion, bribery and other illicit absurdities that the super wealthy indulge in to support the world's corrupt financial system."


Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,