Back comes to a close this Wednesday night on Channel 4 – and judging by this exclusive clip from the upcoming comedy episode, everyone is keenly aware that The End is nigh.


Peep Show's David Mitchell and Robert Webb star alongside Sherlock's Louise Brealey in the new comedy clip, with the three talking about all the usual things you talk about in a pub: cancer, unborn children, and what to leave your loved ones when you die.

Keep it light guys...

The series sees Mitchell play Stephen, who is surprised – and annoyed – to be reunited with his foster-brother Andrew (Webb) following his father's death.

Brealey plays Stephen's sister Cass – in the clip below, she thinks she is dying of cancer like her father, despite having had no tests or diagnosis, while Stephen says he'd rather be ignorant of it all: "I'll almost certainly have bowel cancer; my colon is like a Passchendaele trench."


Back concludes on Channel 4 at 10pm this Wednesday 11th October.
