Saturday 28th April 2018 marked the seventh anniversary of Ed Balls Day.


In case you're not familiar with the annual event, this is the infamous tweet that started it all..

Ever since, people have marked the date in their calendars and paid tribute to the simpler times of 2011. And no one is happier about it than Ed Balls.

Now, before you roll your eyes and divert your attention to another corner of the internet, hold on. There's more to this story...

You see, seven years in, Ed Balls Day has reached far and wide – all the way to a galaxy far, far away. And in 2018, Mark Hamill – Star Wars actor and Twitter maestro – caught wind of the celebrations and decided to mark the day in his own way.

Former shadow chancellor and Strictly Come Dancing contestant Balls was clearly delighted at the turn of events and posted an excited tweet...

Only to be mocked in glorious Star Wars style by his wife, Labour MP Yvette Cooper.


The force is strong with this one.

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Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,