Viewers were gripped on Sunday night by the 20-minute-long opening scene of BBC1's new thriller Bodyguard, in which Richard Madden's Army veteran tackled a terrorist onboard a train.


But while the general consensus seemed to be that the latest series from Line of Duty creator Jed Mercurio was very promising, there was one area that sparked debate – the number of women seen in positions of authority or responsibility.

Keeley Hawes played Home Secretary Julia Montague, alongside a female police chief, suicide bomber, police markswoman, bomb disposal expert– not to mention train manager – and it had some viewers crying 'political correctness gone mad!'.

Others, however, pointed out that perhaps Mercurio wasn't portraying such an unrealistic view of the world after all...

...while others still suggested it was certain viewers, rather than the show's creators, who needed to work on their outlook...

But as the debate raged on, there was one part of the drama the British public could agree was unrealistic...

Episode two of Bodyguard is due on BBC1 at 9pm on Bank Holiday Monday.


Hopefully it won't be late...

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Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,