Where is Judge Rinder filmed and how does it work?
Everything you need to know about the reality courtroom series

Since beginning in 2014, Judge Rinder has become one of the most popular daytime shows in the UK and turned sharp-tongued host criminal barrister Robert Rinder into a bonafide TV personality.
How does Judge Rinder work?
Each episode sees three real small-claims cases brought before Judge Rinder and a studio audience. After reviewing the evidence and questioning the claimant, defence and witnesses, Rinder will make a judgement on each case.
Think Judge Judy, but British and more sarcastic.
Where is Judge Rinder filmed?
In case you were wondering, Judge Rinder is not filmed in a real courtroom but on a set at Dock10's studios in Media City, Salford, Manchester.
How to apply to be on Judge Rinder
If you have a dispute or claim to settle, you can apply to be on Judge Rinder, if you are over 18 years of age, by text, phone or email through ITV's website. Applications for the next series close on 24th April 2020.
Are Judge Rinder cases legally binding?
Yes, Judge Rinder's awarding of sums up to £5,000 are lawfully enforced. However, these bills are actually paid by the show itself, rather than the defendant who does not receive a fee to appear on the show.
Can I get tickets to see the show filmed?
Yes, find out how to get tickets to see Judge Rinder filmed here.
Judge Rinder airs on ITV on weekdays at 9:25am