The first series of ITV's Van Der Valk reboot consists of just three episodes, each one a standalone detective story starring Marc Warren as a talented (maverick) Dutch detective. But after the final episode on Sunday 10th March, viewers will be wondering: will Warren be back for more?


The original Van Der Valk starred Barry Foster in the main role and ran for a total of five series, three of them in the 1970s and then two more in the early 90s.

So could we see even more Van Der Valk in future...? Here's what we know:

Will there be another series of Van Der Valk?

Van Der Valk cast

Yes! Three more feature-length episodes are already in development – but like so many TV shows right now, production is on pause thanks to the coronavirus.

Writer Chris Murray told "We're developing some scripts for three more films, hopefully, if we get to – once the virus lifts, hopefully.

"One is set in the world of the diamond industry, because Amsterdam is famous for its history of being the city of diamonds. There's a squatting story which again came out of the history of Amsterdam having a tradition of squatting, and then the final one is going to be about classical music, which again the city has a very vibrant classical music scene."

He also discussed the locations that he hopes show showcase in future, explaining: "Hopefully by the end of those three episodes, and if there are any more we do, people on the one hand are getting a familiar hit of a city they may know or may want to know – but equally they're seeing different sides to it."

And actress Maimie McCoy told ITV's This Morning: "We were supposed to be filming now. We should have started the second series this week.

"We’re gutted. It’s been such an amazing response and such huge audiences. I think as a team we’ve created something that’s the beginning of something brilliant. We’re all itching to get back to it and building those relationships and creating those characters."


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