Australian thriller Reckoning is set in a sleepy suburban town, and follows two fathers who are set on a path of mutual destruction following the murder of a teenage girl - and the subsequent rumours of a local serial killer.


The ten-episode mini-series is available to stream on Netflix, and for fans looking for another instalment the only question is whether or not the show will be renewed for a second season.

Here's everything you need to know about Reckoning season two.

When is Reckoning season 2 released?

A second season hasn't yet been confirmed, but we'll keep this page updated.

What could happen in a second season?

Reckoning has not yet been renewed for a second season, so it's not yet been confirmed who will star or what the storylines might feature - although they'll likely include more murder!

*Warning: mild spoilers for Reckoning season one*

Season one focussed on two men: Leo (Sam Trammell) and Mike (Aden Young), whose lives continually overlap in increasingly destructive ways.

The start of season one saw Leo, a high school guidance counsellor, speaking to a priest in a confessional booth - and we learn that he's a 'former' serial killer, who has previously killed a number of teenage girls before dumping their bodies along the Russian River.

Meanwhile, Mike is a family man and troubled detective at the local sheriff's department. Both he and Leo are seen dropping their kids off at school - where Gretchen McGrath (Claude Scott-Mitchell), a teenage girl, has gone missing.

But when a body is discovered by Russian River, Mike and Leo are set on a course for mutual destruction - one that will endanger both their families.

Is there a trailer?

There's no trailer for season two yet, as it hasn't been commissioned. But if you're new to the series, you can watch the trailer for season one below to get a feel for what it's all about.


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Flora CarrDrama Writer,