How well do you actually know the lyrics to these Madonna songs?
As the Queen of Pop announces a new tour, it's time to test your Madge knowledge with this music mega quiz...
Madonna, fresh from a rather memorable Brits performance, has announced a brand new 35-city Rebel Heart tour (kicking off in Miami on August 29). This means it's time to whip out your best of album and get singing in your car. But wait, do you actually know all of the lyrics or do you just sort of hum along a little bit until you can yell out "VOGUE"?
Well, now's the time to find out. We've handpicked lyrics from classic Madge tracks, all you need to do is choose the right words to fill in the missing lyrics.
Will you be striking a pose at the end or in need of a little holiday to recover? Let us know by tweeting your result @RadioTimes
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