Today is International Day of Happiness. Yes, that's a thing, the UN decided it. So you need to feel happy. All day. No grumbling on the tube (of course that lady's bag needs a seat), no moaning at work (you love deadlines!) and no sending the kids to bed early (so what if they used felt tips on the walls?).


Pharrell is involved of course. He wrote the song Happy. It makes perfect sense. He's keen for us, yes you and I, to upload pictures of ourselves, which will be turned into one almighty gif, set to the Happy track.

To get you in that feel-good place, here's a whole load of versions of Pharrell's smash-hit track. There's dogs, there's new lyrics, there's a dancing C-3PO. I know, with this article, it'll be International Day of Happiness every day. Well, until you're truly sick of this song and you want it to be International Weep like a Small Child Day...

The Family Guy version

Clap along with the various voices of Family Guy – from Peter Griffin to Stewie – as they give it all they've got (thanks to the efforts of YouTuber Mikey Bolts).

Star Wars cast break it down

Perhaps R2D2 actually means ready to dance... er twice


Of course there's a dog one. With some pretty inspired lyrics too: "Bark along if tummy rubs are the truth".

The Minecraft version

Onto the beautifully techy now, and if the words aren't imprinted on your brain yet, there are subtitles to sing along, too.

'Weird Al' Yankovic


Spot the stars in this 'Tacky' remake, including (with some pretty impressive moves to boot) Jack Black.
