A Monster Calls review: "thunder-cracking, storm-lashed mayhem, but the emotional core remains intact"
Assassin’s Creed review: "a thrilling, visually nightmarish Dan Brown-style conspiracy tale where Mortal Kombat meets Raiders of the Lost Ark"
Passengers review: "a classic tale of boy meets girl – if boy was a stalker and girl had Stockholm syndrome"
Allied review: "a production with plenty of class and the seductive appeal of Hollywood's Golden Age"
The Girl on the Train review: "Emily Blunt strikes a deft balance between porcelain fragility and eerie menace"
Suicide Squad review: "the cast is game but this wobbly walk on the wild side is not going to challenge Marvel"
Jason Bourne review: "Matt Damon is back and it’s superbly sustained, sweaty-palmed tension all the way"