How to add friends in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Your virtual island experience does not have to be a solitary one...

There is so much to do solo in Animal Crossing New Horizons that you may have not even got around to considering adding friends in the game - the new Mario update and the search for young spring bamboo being just two of the things keeping us busy.
But the game does allow you to add friends and bring them over to your island so that you can show off all the progress that you have made, or visit them to feel an insane amount of jealousy over what they have done with theirs.
As for how to do it, well make sure that you have a Nintendo Online subscription first, and then follow this handy guide!
How to add friends in Animal Crossing
Make your way to the airport
The Dodo Airlines airport is your port of call for making contact with your buddies while on your island. Once you are there, head on over to good old Orville at the desk and he will give you some options. One of those is 'I want visitors' so be sure to select that when you get the chance.
Once you have chosen that, you will get the choice of selecting local or online play. Choose online as local will only allow you to play with someone else on the same console. Once that is done, you will get to choose who it is that you want to send an invite to.
Choose which friends to invite

So, if you already have friends with the game in your Nintendo Switch friends list, the process is really simple. Just choose "All my friends' and that will send an invite to all.
If they aren't on your friends' list, you'll need to use a Dodo code. Now remember, anyone that gets a code can come to your island and while they can't go around destroying things, although that would be an interesting multiplayer update that would totally change the game, it is still worth remembering that it is best not to randomly send codes to anyone you come across.
All your friends need to do is to go to the airport on their island, say they want to visit an online town and they will be with you shortly.
How to make someone a best friend in Animal Crossing
This is important. When we said that people who come to your island can't go around and mess things up, they can if they are best friends - so it is wise to make sure that you really do trust this person before you make them a virtual bestie.
But if you are sure a person can be trusted, you will need to add them as a Nintendo Switch friend first and if that is done, when you are both on the same island, yours or theirs, open up your Nook phone and look for an app called Best Friends List. Simply find the friend, choose the invite to be a best friend and that's it, besties for life.
You'll now be able to manage them whenever they are online and not only that, but Orville can send out a mass invite to all your BFF's at once!
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