If you're anything like us, you've been waiting impatiently for the early access of Football Manager 2024.


This is the final FM entry of its kind, before the relaunch next year with the new Unity Engine.

Listen to our One More Life gaming podcast - the next episode is about FM!

FM 24 also have some cool new features, such as the "Real World" and "Your World" options. Not to mention the fact we'll be able to carry over our save from FM 23.

It might bring the end of an era, but it's still offering new mechanics, and we reckon it'll be a great game.

So, when can we jump in? The game officially releases on the 6th November 2023, and early access via the beta was supposed to drop around the 23rd October.

However, there has been a twist in the tale (a good one).

When is the Football Manager 2024 beta?

FM24 player takes corner
Football Manager 24. Sports Interactive

The good new is that the FM24 beta came out on 19th October 2023 (that's today!).

We weren't expecting it for another few days, but Sega announced today that the beta is available for all who pre-purchased the game.

Which consoles and platforms can access the FM24 beta?

The FM24 beta is only available to those looking to play the game on PC, either via Steam or the Epic Games Store.

Sadly, those on console and mobile will need to wait until the game launches fully to get a taste of the action. Thankfully, neither will have too long to wait.

How to get the FM24 beta

Players in purple kits celebrate together
FM 24. Sports Interactive

To play the FM24 beta, you will need to have pre-order a copy of the game.

The Sega website says: "Anyone who has pre-purchased FM24 from a SEGA-approved digital retailer* can now log in to Steam or Epic and launch the game directly from their library."

Players can expect to take part in regular matches and Fantasy Draft mode. Your save will continue over to the final release, as well.

When is the FM24 release date?

FM24 will launch on 6th November 2023 for PC players, while FM24 Console will also arrive on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass the very same day.

Anyone wanting to pick up the game on Nintendo Switch will need to opt for Football Manager 2024 Touch, again available on 6th November. Finally, FM24 will also make its way to mobile exclusively for Netflix members at the same time.

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Black-and-white photo of Matt Poskitt
Matt PoskittFreelance Writer

Matt Poskitt is a freelance journalist who specialises in arts and culture – be that movies, TV, video games, tech or otherwise. Matt headed up the games and entertainment section at T3 (Future Publishing), alongside being found across The Guardian, CNET, PC Gamer Mag, GamesIndustry.biz, Insider, iNews, IGN, TechRadar, PC Gamer Mag, NME and many more.
