Fortnite: Where and how to harvest fruits and vegetables, for the Week 14 Challenges
Fruity challenges await in Fortnite!

There is a reason that Fortnite became so popular, and why it remains one of the most popular titles in the gaming world - it is always giving us new things to do!
Each week we get new weekly challenges set for us that allow us to get some much-needed XP and this time around, week 14 weekly challenge, is no exception, and fruit and vegetable harvesting is the name of the game this time.
So if you are ready to go and want to know all about harvesting for that precious XP, here is all the information that you need.
How to harvest fruit and veg in Fortnite
In typical Fortnite fashion, we have not been given any specifics about what needs to be done - so we have worked it out for ourselves and it is much simpler than we thought it may have been.
All you need to do with this one is to find the food - no need to eat it or ferry it to another location for it to count.
Where to find food to harvest in Fortnite
There are two locations to head to in order to locate the all-important XP-giving fruit and vegetables.

Above is location number one. North of the Colossal Coliseum and west of Steamy Stacks is where you want to head to find this and you are looking right on the edge of the sandy area - just by the main driving road. Once you are here, look out for a bunch of trees that are in a field and start attacking them. Apples will then drop out but remember that the goal here is to gather them and not eat them.

For the second location, you are looking for a spot that is fairly close to the Colossal Coliseum. Head a bit to the east of it this time and you will see the location ready for you to repeat the process of harvesting from the first spot. If you plan on getting to this one straight after the first, you will see a farming area with crops if you head southeast from it - see that and you are on the right track. Just attack the crops growing out of the ground and harvest away to complete the challenge.
Happy harvesting!
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