While there are many known story missions and side-quests to complete in Hogwarts Legacy, there is a hidden quest that you cannot track. This hidden quest requires you to find three Hogwarts secrets and solve their puzzles to complete the associated challenge.


You will be rewarded handsomely for your troubles, with each secret giving you a reward upon completion: The Secret Solver’s Bathing Costume, Tailored Tailcoat, and Fashionable Dress Robes.

To solve each secret Hogwarts puzzle, you will need to know where to go in order to start them. Luckily, that’s where we come in.

We’ve done the search so you don’t have to. Read on to find out how to complete the Hogwarts Secrets challenge, including details on where to find each secret and how to solve each puzzle.

Hogwarts Legacy secrets: Clock Tower secret location and puzzle solution

You will find one of the three Hogwarts secrets in the Clock Tower. Behind the giant pendulum, you will see a unicorn, owl face, twin dragons, and scarab symbol towards the ceiling. Each symbol represents a locked door. You need to freeze the swinging pendulum with Arresto Momentum and align it with each symbol to unlock each of the four doors. Open each of the four doors to complete the Clock Tower secret challenge.

You can get to the Clock Tower by using the Clock Tower Courtyard floo flames. The unicorn door is on the ground floor and you’ll need to lockpick another door by casting Alohomora to access a secret staircase leading you up to the owl face, twin dragons, and scarab doors. The doors remain unlocked as long as the pendulum is still frozen in place, so scurry on over to them to open them up and claim the rewards in each secret room.

Check out this video guide from PS5Trophies on YouTube to see how to solve the Clock Tower secret puzzle in action:

Hogwarts Legacy secrets: Headmaster’s Office secret location and puzzle solution

There is no puzzle to solve with the Hogwarts Legacy Headmaster’s Office secret. All you need to do to complete this secret is open the locked door next to the office. To do this, though, you’ll need to get hold of the Key of Admittance.

To get the Key of Admittance, you need to find it in the Headmaster’s Office study room. You can get there by flying up to it, or by climbing the Grand Staircase up to the Trophy Room. You should have floo flames to the Trophy Room active if you have completed the main story mission ‘The Polyjuice Plot’.

You will need to have learned Alohomora III (level it up by finding Demiguise statues) to lockpick the locked door before climbing the stairs to get into the office, which is where you’ll find the Key of Admittance on the desk (and earn yourself the Room with a View trophy/achievement).

Now you have the Key of Admittance, head downstairs and into the corridor with statues in it and open the locked door at the end of it. You’ve just completed another Hogwarts secrets challenge. You can also head up the spiral stairs for some more rewards.

If you’d rather see how to complete the Hogwarts Legacy Headmaster’s Office secret puzzle, check it out in the video guide below from YouTuber OverHyped Gamer:

Hogwarts Legacy secrets: Viaduct Bridge secret location and puzzle solution

The Hogwarts secrets Viaduct Bridge puzzle can be found on the, you guessed it, Viaduct Bridge. This is the large bridge that connects the Great Hall to the Library Annex. To solve the puzzle, you need to light the braziers and interact with each one to match the symbol with the correct roman numeral.

It sounds complicated but it’s not. A metal plate on the floor of the bridge tells you which symbol represents which roman numeral and the symbol of each brazier is given to you beneath each brazier. Match them up like so:

  • Brazier directly to the west of the metal plate (bottom-left): IV
  • Brazier directly to the east of the metal plate (bottom-right): II
  • North-west Brazier: I
  • North-east Brazier: III

Once all have been lit and matched up correctly, the metal plate will open and you can head down inside the viaduct bridge to claim your rewards and complete this stage of the three Hogwarts secrets challenges.

Check out the video guide from PS5Trophies on YouTube to see how to solve the Viaduct Bridge secret puzzle in action:

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Toby Saunders
Toby SaundersFreelance Writer

Toby Saunders is a freelance writer specialising in Video Game journalism. He has a wealth of experience in the field and is published on many different websites including PCGamesN, Nintendo Life and Pocket Tactics. He has a degree in Film Studies (he gets to write about Film and TV occasionally, too).
