Pokémon Gaia cheats: Full codes list & how to cheat explained
Cheat the hack!

Sometimes, the best Pokémon games are the classics. And while Nintendo hasn't made the games the easiest to access, Pokémon Gaia is the next best option.
Created by modder Spherical Ice, Pokémon Gaia is a ROM hack of the 2004 Game Boy Advance title Pokémon FireRed.
This in itself is a remake of the original Pokémon Red Game Boy game from 1996 that went on to become a global phenomenon alongside Pokémon Blue/Green.
If you're into ROM hacks and love Pokémon, this isn't one you'll want to miss. But why not take things one step further, and cheat the hack? We've already got a cheat page for Pokémon FireRed - so, naturally, we had to make one for Pokémon Gaia too.
With that in mind, here's everything you need to know about Pokémon Gaia, as well as the full list of codes and what the cheats do.
What is Pokémon Gaia?
Pokémon Gaia is a revamped version of 2004's Pokémon FireRed for the GBA. It takes place in the Orbtus region with new Pokémon, moves, an updated battle system, a revamped map, as well as lots of other additions and changes.
The official synopsis from creator Spherical Ice can be read below:
"The storied Orbtus region was once populated by a prosperous civilisation. They created several monuments to their gods and guardians.
"Their untimely demise was brought about by a series of disastrous earthquakes; all that remains of their society are their temples, idols and story, as relics of the past.
"In the present day, local archaeologist and Pokémon professor, Professor Redwood, has noticed an increase in the region's seismic activity.
"Propelled by a growing concern for Orbtus' safety, he seeks the assistance of new Pokémon Trainers with a flair for adventure in the rural Celanto Town, a seaside town near the mysterious totem poles, and your home!
"Will you, along with the help of the professor and your rival, be able to prevent the earth from consuming the region once more?"
How to use cheats in Pokémon Gaia
As you'll be using an emulator, inputting cheats will be slightly different when compared to an official game on a Nintendo console. The good news is it's slightly easier.
This is because an emulator (whether on your PC or another device) will usually have a "Cheats" section with a text window. Find this and input whichever cheat you want to use.
Now, let's take a look at the codes themselves.
Full list of Pokémon Gaia cheat codes
There are various types of cheats in Pokémon Gaia, so to make this page easy to navigate, we'll separate them into different categories. Let's start with the Mega Stones!
Mega Stones
Master Code - 000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007
- 82025840 0161 - Galladite
- 82025840 0167 - Diancite
- 82025840 010F - Beedrillite
- 82025840 0110 - Pidgeotite
- 82025840 00F8 - Gardevoirite
- 82025840 0117 - Swarmpertite
- 82025840 0118 - Sablenite
- 82025840 0119 - Sharpedonite
- 82025840 011A - Cameruptite
- 82025840 015D - Latiasite
- 82025840 015F - Latiosite
- 82025840 00EB - Gengarite
- 82025840 00EC - Kangaskhite
- 82025840 00ED - Pinsirite
- 82025840 00EE - Gyaradosite
- 82025840 00EF - Aerodactice
- 82025840 0160 - Lopunnite
- 82025840 00F9 - Mawilite
- 82025840 00FA - Aggronite
- 82025840 0120 - Glalitite
- 82025840 0100 - Medichamite
- 82025840 0101 - Banettite
- 82025840 0111 - SlowBronite
- 82025840 0109 - Mega Ring
- 82025840 00E6 - Venusaurite
- 82025840 00E7 - Charizite X
- 82025840 00E8 - Charizite Y
- 82025840 00E9 - Blastoisite
- 82025840 00EA - Alakazite
- 82025840 00F0 - Mewtwonite X
- 82025840 00F1 - Mewtwonite Y
- 82025840 00F2 - Ampharosite
- 82025840 00F3 - Scizorite
- 82025840 00F4 - Heracronite
- 82025840 00F5 - Houndoomite
- 82025840 00F6 - Tyranitarite
- 82025840 00F7 - Blazikenite
- 82025840 0102 - Absolite
- 82025840 0103 - Garchompite
- 82025840 010A - Lucarionite
- 82025840 010B - Abomasite
- 82025840 0116 - Steelixite
- 82025840 011B - Altarianite
- 82025840 0163 - Audinite
- 82025840 0164 - Sceptilite
- 82025840 015B - Salamencite
- 82025840 015C - Metagrossite
TM Cheats
After you've entered the cheat, the item will appear at the top of the list at the Poké Mart.
- 82003884 014C - TM44 (Rest)
- 82003884 014D - TM45 (Attract)
- 82003884 014E - TM46 (Thief)
- 82003884 014F - TM47 (Steel Wing)
- 82003884 0150 - TM48 (Skill Swap)
- 82003884 0121 - TM01 (Magic Shine)
- 82003884 0122 - TM02 (Dragon Claw)
- 82003884 012C - TM12 (Taunt)
- 82003884 012D - TM13 (Ice Beam)
- 82003884 012E - TM14 (Blizzard)
- 82003884 0123 - TM03 (Water Pulse)
- 82003884 0124 - TM04 (Calm Mind)
- 82003884 0125 - TM05 (Roar)
- 82003884 0126 - TM06 (Toxic)
- 82003884 0127 - TM07 (Hail)
- 82003884 013C - TM28 (Dig)
- 82003884 013D - TM29 (Psychic)
- 82003884 013E - TM30 (Shadow Ball)
- 82003884 0128 - TM08 (Bulk Up)
- 82003884 0129 - TM09 (Bullet Seed)
- 82003884 0157 - HM05 (Flash)
- 82003884 0158 - HM06 (Rock Smash)
- 82003884 0159 - HM07 (Waterfall)
- 82003884 015A - HM08 (Dive)
- 82003884 012A - TM10 (Hidden Power)
- 82003884 012B - TM11 (Sunny Day)
- 82003884 012F - TM15 (Hyper Beam)
- 82003884 0130 - TM16 (Light Screen)
- 82003884 0131 - TM17 (Protect)
- 82003884 0132 - TM18 (Rain Dance)
- 82003884 0133 - TM19 (Giga Drain)
- 82003884 0134 - TM20 (Safeguard)
- 82003884 0135 - TM21 (Frustration)
- 82003884 0136 - TM22 (Solar Beam)
- 82003884 0137 - TM23 (Iron Tail)
- 82003884 0138 - TM24 (Thunderbolt)
- 82003884 0139 - TM25 (Thunder)
- 82003884 013A - TM26 (Earthquake)
- 82003884 013B - TM27 (Return)
- 82003884 013F - TM31 (Brick Break)
- 82003884 0140 - TM32 (Double Team)
- 82003884 0141 - TM33 (Reflect)
- 82003884 0142 - TM34 (Shock Wave)
- 82003884 0143 - TM35 (Flamethrower)
- 82003884 0144 - TM36 (Sludge Bomb)
- 82003884 0145 - TM37 (Sandstorm)
- 82003884 0146 - TM38 (Fire Blast)
- 82003884 0147 - TM39 (Rock Tomb)
- 82003884 0148 - TM40 (Aerial Ace)
- 82003884 0149 - TM41 (Torment)
- 82003884 014A - TM42 (Facade)
- 82003884 014B - TM43 (Secret Power)
- 82003884 0151 - TM49 (Snatch)
- 82003884 0152 - TM50 (Overheat)
- 82003884 0153 - HM01 (Cut)
- 82003884 0154 - HM02 (Fly)
- 82003884 0155 - HM03 (Surf)
- 82003884 0156 - HM04 (Strength)
Miscellaneous cheats
- 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4 - Walk Through Walls
- 06AB3172BE88C550 - Rare Candies
- D41DD0CA 33A629E5 8E883EFF 92E9660D - No Random Battles
- 38A014382724 - 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats
- A019AC6DB640 - 2nd Pokemon-Maximum Stats
- 25345D549618 - 3rd Pokemon-Maximum Stats
- AD6DCD41177E - 4th Pokemon-Maximum Stats
- BCDD240C0612 - 5th Pokemon-Maximum Stats
- 3CE494190776 - 6th Pokemon-Maximum Stats
Enter the code 82025840 XXXX, then replace the XXXX with whichever four digits proceed your desired item.
- 000D - Potion
- 000E - Antidote
- 0001 - Master Ball
- 0002 - Ultra Ball
- 0003 - Great Ball
- 0004 - Poké Ball
- 0005 - Safari Ball
- 0006 - Net Ball
- 0007 - Dive Ball
- 0008 - Nest Ball
- 0009 - Repeat Ball
- 015E - Poké Flute
- 0162 - {Old Amber}
- 0165 - {Helix Fossil}
- 0166 - {Dome Fossil}
- 000A - Timer Ball
- 000B - Luxury Ball
- 000C - Premier Ball
- 000F - Burn Heal
- 0010 - Ice Heal
- 0011 - Awakening
- 0012 - Parlyz Heal
- 0013 - Full Restore
- 0014 - Max Potion
- 0015 - Hyper Potion
- 0016 - Super Potion
- 0017 - Full Heal
- 0018 - Revive
- 0019 - Max Revive
- 001A - Fresh Water
- 001B - Soda Pop
- 001C - Lemonade
- 001D - MooMoo Milk
- 001E - Energy Powder
- 001F - Energy Root
- 0020 - Heal Powder
- 0021 - Revival Herb
- 0022 - Ether
- 0023 - Max Ether
- 0024 - Elixer
- 0025 - Max Elixer
- 0026 - Lava Cookie
- 0027 - Blue Flute
- 0028 - Yellow Flute
- 0029 - Red Flute
- 002A - Black Flute
- 002B - White Flute
- 002C - Berry Juice
- 002D - Sacred Ash
- 002E - Shoal Salt
- 002F - Shoal Shell
- 0030 - Red Shard
- 004A - Dire Hit
- 004B - X Attack
- 004C - X Defend
- 0031 - Blue Shard
- 0032 - Yellow Shard
- 0033 - Green Shard
- 0034 - Casteliacone
- 0035 - Relic Copper
- 0036 - Relic Silver
- 0037 - Relic Gold
- 0038 - Relic Vase
- 0039 - Relic Band
- 003A - Relic Statue
- 003B - Relic Crown
- 003F - HP Up
- 0040 - Protein
- 0041 - Iron
- 0042 - Carbos
- 0043 - Calcium
- 0044 - Rare Candy
- 0045 - PP Up
- 0046 - Zinc
- 0047 - PP Max
- 0049 - Guard Spec
- 004D - X Speed
- 004E - X Accuracy
- 004F - X Special
- 0050 - Poke Doll
- 0051 - Fluffy Tail
- 0053 - Super Repel
- 0054 - Max Repel
- 0055 - Escape Rope
- 0056 - Repel
- 0057 - Heal Ball
- 0058 - Dusk Ball
- 0059 - Cherish Ball
- 0073 - Black Sludge
- 0079 - Orange Mail
- 007A - Harbor Mail
- 007B - Glitter Mail
- 007C - Mech Mail
- 007D - Wood Mail
- 007E - Wave Mail
- 005A - Park Ball
- 005D - Sun Stone
- 005E - Moon Stone
- 005F - Fire Stone
- 0060 - Thunder Stone
- 0061 - Water Stone
- 0062 - Leaf Stone
- 0063 - Regal Stone
- 0064 - Shiny Stone
- 0065 - Dusk Stone
- 0066 - Baie Robuste
- 0067 - Tiny Mushroom
- 0068 - Big Mushroom
- 0069 - Rare Bone
- 006A - Pearl
- 006B - Big Pearl
- 006C - Stardust
- 006D - Star Piece
- 006E - Nugget
- 006F - Heart Scale
- 0070 - Life Orb
- 0071 - Toxic Orb
- 0072 - Flame Orb
- 007F - Bead Mail
- 0080 - Shadow Mail
- 0081 - Tropic Mail
- 0082 - Dream Mail
- 0083 - Fab Mail
- 0084 - Retro Mail
- 0085 - Cheri Berry
- 00A6 - Durin Berry
- 00A7 - Belue Berry
- 00A8 - Liechi Berry
- 00A9 - Ganlon Berry
- 0086 - Chesto Berry
- 0087 - Pecha Berry
- 0088 - Rawst Berry
- 0089 - Aspear Berry
- 008A - Leppa Berry
- 008B - Oran Berry
- 008C - Persim Berry
- 008D - Lum Berry
- 008E - Sitrus Berry
- 008F - Figy Berry
- 0090 - Wiki Berry
- 0091 - Mago Berry
- 0092 - Aguav Berry
- 0093 - Iapapa Berry
- 0094 - Razz Berry
- 0095 - Bluk Berry
- 0096 - Nanab Berry
- 0097 - Wepear Berry
- 0098 - Pinap Berry
- 0099 - Pomeg Berry
- 009A - Kelpsy Berry
- 009B - Qualot Berry
- 009C - Hondew Berry
- 009D - Grepa Berry
- 009E - Tamato Berry
- 009F - Cornn Berry
- 00A0 - Magost Berry
- 00A1 - Rabuta Berry
- 00A2 - Nomel Berry
- 00A3 - Spelon Berry
- 00A4 - Pamtre Berry
- 00A5 - Watmel Berry
- 00AA - Salac Berry
- 00AB - Petaya Berry
- 00AC - Apicot Berry
- 00AD - Lansat Berry
- 00AE - Starf Berry
- 00AF - Enigma Berry
- 00B0 - Choice Band
- 00B1 - Choice Specs
- 00B2 - Choice Scarf
- 00B3 - Bright Powder
- 00B4 - White Herb
- 00B5 - Macho Brace
- 00B6 - Exp Share
- 00B7 - Quick Claw
- 00B8 - Soothe Bell
- 00B9 - Mental Herb
- 00BA - Choice Band
- 00BB - King’s Rock
- 00BC - Silver Powder
- 00BD - Amulet Coin
- 00BE - Cleanse Tag
- 00BF - Soul Dew
- 00C0 - Deep Sea Tooth
- 00C1 - Deep Sea Scale
- 00C2 - Smoke Ball
- 00C3 - Everstone
- 00C4 - Focus Band
- 00C5 or 00BA - Lucky Egg
- 00C6 - Scope Lens
- 00C7 - Metal Coat
- 00C8 - Leftovers
- 00C9 - Dragon Scale
- 00CA - Light Ball
- 00CB - Soft Sand
- 00CC - Hard Stone
- 00CD - Miracle Seed
- 00CE - Black Glasses
- 00E5 - Pink Bow
- 00FB - Red Scarf
- 00FC - Blue Scarf
- 00FD - Pink Scarf
- 00FE - Green Scarf
- 00FF - Yellow Scarf
- 0104 - Coin Case
- 0105 - ItemFinder
- 00CF - Black Belt
- 00D0 - Magnet
- 00D1 - Mystic Water
- 00D2 - Sharp Beak
- 00D3 - Poison Barb
- 00D4 - Nevermelt Ice
- 00D5 - Spell Tag
- 00D6 - Twisted Spoon
- 00D7 - Charcoal
- 00D8 - Dragon Fang
- 00D9 - Silk Scarf
- 00DA - Up-Grade
- 00DB - Shell Bell
- 00DC - Sea Incense
- 00DD - Lax Incense
- 00DE - Lucky Punch
- 00DF - Metal Powder
- 00E0 - Thick Club
- 00E1 - Stick
- 00E2 - Assault Vest
- 00E3 - Ability Pill
- 00E4 - Polkadot Bow
- 0106 - Old Rod
- 0107 - Good Rod
- 0108 - Super Rod
- 0109 - Mega Ring
- 010C - Care Package
- 010D - Dusty Tome
- 010E - Redwood Card
- 0112 - Letter
- 0113 - Camera
- 016B - {Voice Checker}
- 016C - {TM Case}
- 016D - {Berry Pouch}
- 016E - Ragged Map
- 016F - Gas Mask
- 0114 - Broken Tool
- 0115 - Secret Potion
- 011C - Purple Key
- 011D - Storage Key
- 011E - Root Fossil
- 011F - Claw Fossil
- 0168 - {Bicycle}
- 0169 - {Town Map}
- 016A - {Battle Searcher}
Enter the code 82024022 XXXX, then replace the XXXX with whichever four digits proceed your desired move.
- 018B - Force Palm
- 0163 - Roost
- 016B - Frost breath
- 0164 - Inferno
- 01BB - Magnet bomb
- 0165 - Volt switch
- 0177 - Psycho shift
- 0166 - Wake-up slap
- 016F - Accupressure
- 019A - Vacuum Wave
- 0167 - Hammer arm
- 0168 - Gyro ball
- 01A6 - Thunder Fang
- 0169 - Bulldoze
- 016A - Brine
- 018D - Rock Polish
- 016C - Feint
- 016D - Dragon tail
- 016E - Work up
- 0170 - Wild charge
- 0171 - You-turn
- 0187 - Power-up punch
- 0172 - Close combat
- 0173 - Drill run
- 0174 - Dual chop
- 01C1 - Doll eyes
- 0191 - Aqua Tail
- 0192 - Seed Bomb
- 01C2 - Bug bite
- 01C3 - Charge beam
- 01C4 - Wood hammer
- 01C5 - Aqua jet
- 01C6 - Toxic spikes
- 0175 - Horn leech
- 0176 - Sacred sword
- 0178 - Razor shell
- 0179 - Leaf tornado
- 01B1 - Sucker punch
- 01B7 - Rock wrecker
- 01B8 - Cross Poison
- 017A - Hurricane
- 017B - Phantom force
- 017C - Petal storm
- 017D - Charming cry
- 017E - Draining kiss
- 017F - Play rough
- 0180 - Fairy wind
- 0181 - Moonblast
- 0182 - Boomburst
- 0183 - Electroweb
- 0184 - Worry seed
- 0185 - Magic shine
- 0186 - Infestation
- 0188 - Heal Pulse
- 0189 - Hex
- 018A - Flare Blitz
- 018C - Aura Sphere
- 018E - Poison Jab
- 018F - Dark Pulse
- 0190 - Night Slash
- 0193 - Air Slash
- 0194 - X-Scissor
- 0195 - Bug Buzz
- 0196 - Dragon Pulse
- 01B2 - Draco meteor
- 01B3 - Discharge
- 01B4 - Lava plume
- 01B5 - Leaf storm
- 01B6 - Power whip
- 0197 - Dragon Rush
- 0198 - Power Gem
- 0199 - Drain Punch
- 019B - Focus Blast
- 019C - Energy Ball
- 019D - Brave Bird
- 019E - Earth Power
- 019F - Acrobatics
- 01A0 - Giga Impact
- 01A1 - Nasty Plot
- 01A2 - Bullet Punch
- 01A3 - Avalanche
- 01A4 - Ice Shard
- 01A5 - Shadow Claw
- 01A7 - Ice Fang
- 01A8 - Fire Fang
- 01A9 - Shadow Sneak
- 01AA - Mud Bomb
- 01AB - Psycho Cut
- 01AC - Zen Headbutt
- 01AD - Mirror Shot
- 01AE - Flash Cannon
- 01AF - Rock Climb
- 01B0 - Heart Stamp
- 01B9 - Gunk Shot
- 01BA - Iron Head
- 01BC - Stone Edge
- 01BD - Assurance
- 01BE - Stored Power
- 01BF - Grass Knot
- 01C0 - Chatter
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Ben Huxley is a freelance contributor to Radio Times, with bylines also in TechRadar, WhatCulture, GAMINGbible, and Live Science. A writer of fiction, too, he has a few short stories published and a novel on the way. He has a BA in English Literature, and an MA in creative writing.