With a new month, there’s a new Pokémon Go Adventure Week, and we’ve got all the Research tasks and rewards explained so you don’t miss out.


Also new is the Shadow Cresselia Raid as part of the wider Pokémon Go Raid schedule for August. As always, Giovanni is up to his usual tricks, but we’ve got the best counters to use to deal with him.

There are new 'mon in the Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour to check out too.

If digital Pokémon aren't enough, then be sure to don some Pokémon Crocs that will send the haters home crying. If they had some Pokémon Soda Pop Plushies to cuddle at home, maybe they wouldn’t be so jealous.

Yet they certainly will be if they found out you had a Pokémon Le Creuset set – and so would we!

But seeing as it’s Adventure Week and not Adventure Forever, we better crack on with it. Read on!

When is Pokémon Go Adventure Week? Dates and times

Pokémon Go Adventure Week runs from 10am BST on Friday 2nd August until 11:59pm BST on Monday 12th August.

So, despite being called 'Adventure Week', it’s more of an Adventure Week-and-Almost-a-Half. We’re not complaining! It just gives us extra time to try and complete everything included.

Starting on a Friday morning, too, means we might be able to get some tasks done already during our lunch break.

Lucky you if you’ve got the Friday off or work a half day. Spare us a thought as you hoover up all the extra XP while we’re stuck working. Not that we’re jealous, or anything…

Pokémon Go Adventure Week: All Research tasks and rewards

Below are all the Research tasks and rewards that form the make-up of Pokémon Go Adventure Week:

Event bonuses

  • 2× XP for spinning PokéStops.
  • 5× XP for spinning a PokéStop for the first time.
  • 2× XP for hatching Pokémon.
  • Increased chance to encounter the following Shiny Pokémon: Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, Archen, Tyrunt and Amaura.

Field Research task rewards

The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks!

  • Dunsparce*
  • Lileep*
  • Anorith*
  • Cranidos*
  • Shieldon*
  • Roggenrola*
  • Drilbur*
  • Tirtouga*
  • Archen*
  • Bunnelby*
  • Tyrunt*
  • Amaura*

An asterisk (*) denotes that you might find a Shiny variant!

You may also be awarded Mega Energy for Aerodactyl.

There is also Paid Timed Research if you are interested, and these will net you:

  • Two Incubators
  • One Super Incubator
  • Encounters with event-themed Pokémon

What else is in Pokémon Go Adventure Week?

Quite a bit, actually! Check it all out below:

Wild encounters

The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.

  • Diglett*
  • Omanyte*
  • Kabuto*
  • Dunsparce*
  • Roggenrola*
  • Drilbur*
  • Bunnelby*

An asterisk (*) denotes that you might find a Shiny variant!

You may be lucky enough to encounter an Aerodactyl that can also be Shiny.


The following Pokémon will hatch from 7km Eggs.

  • Cranidos*
  • Shieldon*
  • Tirtouga*
  • Archen*
  • Tyrunt*
  • Amaura*

An asterisk (*) denotes that you might find a Shiny variant!

Read more on Pokémon:


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Cole Luke
Cole LukeFreelance Writer

Cole Luke is a freelance journalist and video producer who contributes to RadioTimes.com's Gaming section. He also has bylines for Digital Foundry, PC Gamer, Network N and more.
