Pokemon Snap complete Photodex list: Every Pokemon to find in the new game
Time to get Snap happy!

We have not been able to say this since 1999 - a new version of the classic Pokemon Snap is coming! After going down a storm on the Nintendo 64, New Pokemon Snap is hoping to do the same with players of the Switch when it gets a release later this month.
And it would be fair to say that fans are super excited to get their hands on it with their being calls for a second one continuously in the 22 years (?!) since the original game came out.
And it is a busy time for players of Pokemon games in general right now with Pokemon Go continuing to give us new things to do and new Pokemon to catch - and now we have the weekly spotlight hour that comes every Tuesday and gives us the chance to catch a new Pokemon a lot more often each week.
But back to New Pokemon Snap and if you were wondering what Pokemon you will be able to find and capture a picture of while you play, here is the full list so far!
Full list of Pokemon in Pokemon Snap

So this is the list as it stands so far, but it could well be that more Pokemon are added prior, or just after, the game releases on April 30th.
As far as we know, so far there have not been any DLC announced to add more but we suspect that will come at some point down the line. But it may not be for some time as, as you can see, there are a lot of Pokemon already in the game to find.
Not only that but there is a nice mixture of different Pokemon from across multiple generations too - so fingers crossed your favourite is on the list.
- Aipom
- Alomola
- Ariados
- Beautifly
- Bellossom
- Bidoof
- Blastoise
- Bouffalant
- Bounsweet
- Bulbasaur
- Cacnea
- Caterpie
- Celebi
- ChinChou
- Comfey
- Crabrawler
- Cradily
- Deerling
- Dodrio
- Drifblim
- Ducklett
- Eevee
- Emolga
- Espeon
- Exeggutor
- Fearow
- Finneon
- Florges
- Flygon
- Frillish
- Grookey
- Heliolisk
- Heracross
- Hippowdon
- Hoothoot
- Inkay
- Kangaskhan
- Lapras
- Liepard
- Lumineon
- Luvdisc
- Lycanroc
- Machamp
- Madibuzz
- Magikarp
- Mantine
- Meganium
- Metapod
- Minior
- Morelull
- Murkrow
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- Pancham
- Pelipper
- Pichu
- Pidgeot
- Pikachu
- Pikipek
- Pinsir
- Primarina
- Purrloin
- Pyukumuku
- Quagsire
- Raichu (Alolan)
- Sandyghast
- Sawsbuck
- Scorbunny
- Sharpedo
- Skorupi
- Slaking
- Sobble
- Squirtle
- Starly
- Stoutland
- Stunfisk
- Sudowoodo
- Swanna
- Taillow
- Torchic
- Torterra
- Toucannon
- Trapinch
- Trubbish
- Tympole
- Tyranitar
- Unfezant
- Vaporeon
- Venesaur
- Vivillon
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Wingull
- Wooper
- Wurmple
- Yanmega
- Zangoose
When is New Pokemon Snap being released?
Not long to wait now, as the New Pokemon Snap release date is scheduled for 30th April 2021 – so only a few short days to go until all our time gets consumed by it and we cannot wait!
Folk on Twitter looking to show their enthusiasm for the game’s release can use the hashtags #PokemonSnap or #NewPokemonSnap to make a Meganium emoji appear. This isn’t the first time Nintendo has opted for a personalised hashtag, with Super Mario also getting the emoji treatment recently.
And here is the trailer if you somehow missed it!
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