Achieving a Science victory in Civilisation 6 is a fairly convoluted task, but it is a rewarding one.


The complex nature of the missions involved here can be overwhelming for newbies as there are multiple components involved, such as constructing buildings and progressing through a technology tree.

Ultimately, this task will end once you have managed to create a colony on Mars, but there’s a heap of things you’ll need to do along the way.

Below is a breakdown of each objective you’ll need to finish to get a Science victory.

How to get the Science victory in Civ 6 explained

To achieve the Science victory in Civilisation 6, you will need to complete three different objectives, all of which come with their own set of tasks. Below, we will break down each component, step by step.

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Launch a satellite

Firstly, you must launch a satellite. To do this, you must begin advancing along your technology tree by researching areas such as Pottery and Writing until you have surpassed the Rocketry research stage.

It is important to note that along this process, you can use Campus Districts to regenerate Science yields. In turn, this will help to boost the speed of your research, so it is worth investing some time here too.

Once you have researched Rocketry, you will be able to build a Spaceport District and gain the ability to construct a Satellite.

Land a human on the Moon

Surprisingly, landing a human on the Moon in Civilisation 6 isn’t that tough once you have completed the steps above.

Continue working your way through the technology tree until you have researched satellites. This will then let you begin the Launch Moon Landing Project, which can be kickstarted from a Spaceport.

Establish a Martian colony

The third and final task involves establishing a colony on Mars, and it is the one with the most steps to finish.

To begin this objective, you’ll need to return to your technology tree and research Nuclear Fusion.

After that, you’ll need to complete the Launch Mars Reactor project before researching Nanotechnology, once again on your tree.

At this stage, you’ll be able to take on the Launch Mars Hydroponics project before researching Robotics.

Last of all, you will need to complete the Launch Mars Habitation project. Once you have finished that, you will be rewarded with a Science victory.

This whole task is quite complicated, so we have included a simple video from YouTuber angel, who breaks everything down easily for you to follow.


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