Iron Man is the last of the Marvel skins to unlock (apart from Wolverine) in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 4.


Tony Stark comes full glasses and geek mode and without his Iron Man suit, you have to earn that with the Tony Stark/Iron Man Awakening Challenges.

To become Iron Man, the emote, you have to unlock Tony Stark at Tier 93. You have to reach tier 100 and complete the Tony Stark Awakening Challenges too. Once you've done this the Season 4 Battle Pass is complete.

There are a few things to do for this one, which we've broken down below. For the other Awakening Challenges scroll down to the bottom of this article and we have them all.

Tony Stark
Epic Games

Iron Man Awakening Challenges: How to become Iron Man

  1. Reach 88mph in a Whiplash vehicle as Tony Stark
  2. Use an Upgrade Bench as Tony Stark
  3. Emote in the Stark Workshop

Reach 88mph in a Whiplash vehicle as Tony Stark

First, you have to find a Whiplash vehicle. The challenge asks you to reach 88mph in the Whiplash vehicle, which by itself is easy. The finding of the vehicle is a little harder. Keep an eye out... when you have one then find a bit of space to push that speedometer.

Use an Upgrade Bench as Tony Stark

Next up, you have to use an Upgrade Bench while you have the Tony Stark skin. You can find the Upgrade Bench, but you need to know where to look. Make sure you have a weapon to upgrade and that's it. Maybe use a lower rarity weapon to speed things along.

Emote in the Stark Workshop

Third, you need to go to the Stark Workshop in the middle of the map (it's the barn) and then emote as Tony Stark, that's it! When you're done the Iron Man skin is available. Suit up!

Iron Man in Fortnite
More Fortnite season 4: Epic Games

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Jo-Anne RowneyAudience Growth and Engagement Manager,