Netflix has struck a partnership with the BBFC which will allow it to rate its own content.


The rating will now be done by an algorithm, with Netflix employees manually tagging each movie/TV show for things like violence and bad language, and the computer system allocating the appropriate age rating.

The system is set to be tested in a year-long pilot, and the BBFC assured that it will "provide ongoing training and support to Netflix to ensure that quality standards do not slip".

"This is the first time that the BBFC have collaborated with a content provider and put together a scheme that will eventually mean that they will rate their own content," a spokesperson for the BBFC said. "This content will then receive a BBFC rating."

"The content will be viewed by a person, however the classification decision will be made digitally from the tags that the viewer inputs in to the system.

"Therefore if the content contains violence at a particular point it will be tagged as such and these tags will form the basis of the final rating."


Let's hope that algorithm is airtight...


Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,